

Phillips Oppenheim’s atypical recruit overcomes obstacles to open LA’s ‘Oscars’ Museum
Posted on Thursday, October 7, 2021 (1090 Views)

Phillips Oppenheim Recruits New Director for the National Gallery of Art
Phillips Oppenheim was seeking a respected leader in the field with the demonstrated ability to develop and execute a compelling vision that embraces and expands on what it means to be the nation's art...
Posted on Monday, February 4, 2019 (3453 Views)

Phillips Oppenheim Finds New Leader for Metropolitan Museum of Art
April 25, 2018 Boutique executive search firm Phillips Oppenheim has placed Max Hollein as the new director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. He replaces Thomas P. Campbell, who stepped down last year. Principal Sarah James...
Posted on Friday, May 4, 2018 (3834 Views)

Changing Leadership Dynamics In Nonprofit Organizations
To coincide with our more than 25 years in the executive search business, we took the opportunity to look at trends in leadership needs and issues for nonprofit organizations in this changing landscape and, equally...
Posted on Monday, February 12, 2018 (4823 Views)

Phillips Oppenheim Partners with City & State in new venture
New York, NY As forward-looking media companies continue to seek out creative new revenue streams amid a changing landscape, City and State, a New York publisher covering local and state government as well as the non-profit...
Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2017 (4475 Views)